
Krams is everything that I find and think I'd like to share it with the whole world of bits and bytes...


Like for example the best Link collection about my home town Lüneburg. You find it on one of my fathers sites. For everyone who wants to see where I'm from should do the "Virtuellen Stadtrundgang" there. You can actually walk through the streets. Great stuff.

Another thing is, I got convinced about a new Browser. For everyone who doesn't want to use the Microsoft stuff and also wants to get rid of ads on all kind of websites, I can really recommend the Mozilla Firefox. There are lots of extensions available with which one can do things like adblock or a included FTP-Client, etc. You'll find a good explanation about all extensions and whatever else on my fathers site here.

And stuff that is also sometimes helpful if you got lost or want to know a way to for example Sarajevo (It's no joke, everyone in Bosnia could tell you straight away where all towns in europe are, but could you tell exactly where Sarajevo is...) you can find a good map and routeplanner under

Or you want to know what is happening in Germany or the rest of world from the German point of view, read the TAZ! Only if you don't have it anyway...

For you that don't understand a word what's written there cause it's German, try to translate it with leo. It's worth it.


This are Sites of friends of mine:


The House Julia usually lives in Oldenburg set up a Website. If you want to have a look...
My sister Janna is setting up a site for herself and Zora
Almir is a friend I was working with in Sarajevo


Who else has a site? I mean, sorry, I have to know you...
I would like to see it and put it here!

And also if you know other stuff that could go here, tell me.

