It is a wish of many people to live independent
and selfsufficent, but no one wants to do without a nice
cosy home that is bright alight all through the night...

Energy is like a drug, as more you have as more you want!
Like Gerry uses to say.

At present we still can guzzle as much energy as we want...
But what happens as soon we peak oil and natural gas production?

There are ways to combine an aware use of energy
with the dream of independence.
Also the big power companies don't like the idea of every
house or community having its own energy source, there
are ways and possibilities for it.
And there are people out there who work towards the idea of the
Power to the People!

At the end of day and if you pay the price of independence
it is very easy to generate your own electricity or heat for your
house with your own source.
And I'm very glad that there is no one who tries to invent a
camping or backyard nuclear power station...
But if one looks around, there are systems available or inventable
with which one can generate heat and juice from the sun, the wind,
a little stream that passes your house, or some wood and garden waste.

And all of this is no rocket science!
There are even recepies for making your own biodiesel in the kitchen...

Here are some Links to Websites that give you information about
kW not MW
If you know any good Link about this subject, let me know!


How can I drive my car on Woodgas? A simple manual on how to convert my own wood driven engine to download (ZIP) or go to the website

If it happens that you are in Ireland and you want to life energy wise selfsufficent, these are the people to talk to!


You can of cause also make your own diesel out of vegetable oil.

Here is a description on how to do it in your kitchen


Whoever is interested to learn more about wood gasification, this is a very good website and if you want to know about the state of art check out there linklist. Also it is very difficult to get good literature about this subject, but they seem to have a good book collection, if you want to read in english


Is it all paranoia, or do we run out of oil earlier than we think?

There are lots of websites about this subject, I still didn't read all of them, but here you can get some good information on what scientist have to say about it.


Here are some very good information from a Canadian Clean Energy Center about all kinds of renewable energies from small Hydro plants to Solar heating. They have a big download area where one can find good descriptions as well as calculating programs that can be very helpful for the planning of such projects


